UPDATE....Governor Haslam said something like "when our Brand (Tennessee) is connected to NISSAN we look good" THE 1.4 Billion taxpayer dollare DOE GREEN JOBS are NOT Happening that were promised... Governor Haslam the American taxpayers will want their MONEY back... Is Tennesse gonna give it to them?
The Tennessee is NOT Changing there still giving NISSAN Blow jobs!!!!
"The Tennessean is one of the remaining holdovers in this State from the not-so-long-ago days of Democratic domination..." The Examiner
A blog viewer emailed me at 5am... told me he was in SHOCK!!! I responded...

"...The Tennessee Paper that Helped Cover Up Dept. of Energy Fraud FINALLY Does Something not in their own interest but what is best for society. I'm stunned after all I'd been through I thought they were going to keep the blinders on no matter how bad the economy or impact of the failed policies of President Obama were" Sharyn Bovat - NISSAN Whistleblower
"...I'll make a bet that had NISSAN really been able to create the 1300 jobs promised for the 1.4 BIllion they would have endorsed President Obama.... I was told that a Tennessean reporter called NISSAN a "house of cards" and he still knew he could NOT report it..... Maybe Gannett has decided to stop helping President Obama hurt the economy and they want to Stop the hemreging .." Sharyn Bovat
Please note that I Sharyn Bovat have been fighting this Democratic prpaganda machine for a LONG time. Due to my whistle blowing against NISSAN that took 1.4 Billion taxpayer dollars to build a car that they knew would fail & gannett knew before TWO federal budgets were passed & they remained silent.
I was told by Mark Silverman it was POLITICS.

Below are pictures & links of web sites that Sharyn has had for years... fighting the Democratic leaning mainstream media.
and a LOT more. Maybe they'll report the NISSAN Fraud? or the Discrimination done by NISSAN?
Odds ore my Viral Fight for Human Decency made a difference... if so THANK YOU GOD!!!

Quotes from the Romney Endorsement...
"it is far less of an endorsement of Romney than a lack of endorsement of President Obama..." the Tennessean.
Text between former Tennessean editor and Bed Bradlee winner Mark Silverman saying he "thought" one of my web sites ranting about Dept. of Energy Fraud would be mentioned in the emails congress subpoenaed in reference to Solyndra. FYI Solyndra visited my blog 1142 time

"Nonetheless, this morning’s endorsement by an outlet which has long been seen by many conservatives as a kind of unofficial mouthpiece of the Tennessee Democratic establishment prompted the State’s Lieutenant Governor, Ron Ramsey (R-Blountville), to remark on the development with one word on Facebook-he simply wrote “wow...." the examiner

GOOGLE Maria De Varenne the editor of the Tennessean and see "what floats to the top" GOOGLE Bob Dickey Gannett (he decides what goes in the news for Gannet Nationally) and see what "floats to the top."
- mariadevarennetennessean.com/This web site is NOT a Gannett web site: It's NOT done by Maria De Varenne it's ...Why does Gannett, The Tennessean and Maria De Varenne NOT Report that ...
Maria De Varenne Gannett
sharynbovat.com/Maria_De_Varenne_Gannett.htmlDec 5, 2011 – Maria De Varenne Gannett. I've learned the cronyism in the Tennessee courts is linked to the Civil War. Judges & members of only a few TN ...Message to: Maria De Varenne
mariadevarenne.blogspot.com/Oct 10, 2012 – Discrimination at NISSAN that Maria De Varenne and Gannett Ignore is REAL..... Why Did They NOT Report It? Is NISSAN Acknowledging that ...Maria De Varenne the NISSAN Whistleblower Fears Another Term of
mariadevarenne.blogspot.com/.../maria-de-varenne-nissan-whistleblo...Apr 8, 2012 – Maria De Varenne the NISSAN Whistleblower Fears Another Term of President Obama Admits She Voted for Hillary Clinton in 2008 ...
Bob Dickey Gannett
gannettmcnews.com/Bob_Dickey_Gannett.htmlBob Dickey Why Did Gannett NOT Report About Me? Tennessee is a hub of racism.... it's because of lack of reporting on YOUR part. A Gannett Editor Helped Me ...Robert Dickey - Forbes
www.forbes.com/profile/robert-dickey/Robert Dickey on Forbes - ... Formerly: Senior Group President, Gannett's Pacific Group and Chairman of Phoenix Newspapers Inc. (2005-2008); President and ...Bob Dickey of Gannett are the Liberal Elites Figurative Capo?
bobdickeygannett.blogspot.com/Oct 10, 2012 – NISSAN Wants to Do Their OWN Investigation on the Leaf... GannettHas Info that Can Help Taxpayer... Bob DIckey Let's Have Coffee TODAY>.Gannett MIght Have Balls BUT Does Bob Dickey.....
bobdickeygannett.blogspot.com/.../gannett-might-have-balls-but-doe...Bob Dickey of Gannett are the Liberal Elites Figurative Capo? Friday, September 14, 2012. Gannett MIght Have Balls BUT Does Bob Dickey..... The "dots" have ...Bob Dickey of Gannett are the Liberal Elites Figurative Capo?: Bob ...
bobdickeygannett.blogspot.com/.../bob-dickey-now-will-you-report-...Sep 3, 2012 – Bob Dickey.... Now WIll You Report the Story....I'm Outing Homophobic GOP Bloggers with Past Criminal Records.... I Need a J

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